Journey Women's Center | Enid, OK

Understanding Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome: Unveiling the Struggle

Every woman’s experience with abortion is unique, but terminating a pregnancy can be an incredibly painful and isolating experience. Although many women experience a sense of relief following their abortion(s), there are others who silently battle with long-lasting effects, like depression, anxiety, or trauma-related symptoms. These effects can persist for weeks, months, or even years.1

Ongoing disagreement exists within the mental health community on whether to recognize post-abortion stress syndrome (PASS) as a formal diagnosis, a condition believed to be related to PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder). “Any event that causes trauma can indeed result in PTSD, and abortion is no exception,” writes Dr. Susanne Babbel.2

A 2017 study revealed that 67% of post-abortive women sought mental health services3, yet they may not connect their diagnosis to their past abortions nor discuss it with their counselors or therapists. Despite debates among experts and society’s minimization of its significance, women still grapple with the challenges stemming from their decisions.

This struggle continues even for those who believed they had no choice or dismissed it as a simple pill. Women experiencing post-abortion effects often feel the need to suppress or ignore their symptoms because they are told it’s not a real problem. Consequently, feelings of isolation intensify, leaving women who have undergone abortions burdened with the heaviness of their pain and grief.

Client abortion pill experience

“Can you tell me about your abortion experience?” I listened as a client shared her story. She talked about the events leading up to her decision, how she stayed determined even with mixed feelings, shared details about the abortion itself, and the fog of the days that followed. She had brushed past the tiniest detail and I almost missed it. 

“Can we go back just a moment?” I asked. Her baby was the size of a pea, but she had gently scooped it up and held it in her hands.4 Her baby. She began to cry as she explained the anguish of that moment, overwhelmed and unsure what to do. Flushing it down the toilet seemed so insensitive, so wrong. She had no idea she would feel this way.

We believe that trauma following an abortion is real

It can have a profound impact on you physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Trauma is not the same as stress. It happens when you are left alone to confront something that completely overwhelms your entire being. In his book, The Body Keeps the Score, Dr. Bessel Van der Kolk explores how trauma affects the body. He emphasizes that trauma is not just something that happened in the past; it leaves a mark on the mind, brain, and body, and continues to affect a person’s ability to cope in the present. 

He writes, “Being traumatized is not just an issue of being stuck in the past; it is just as much a problem of not being fully alive in the present.” Even though the event itself is over, your body continues to relive it as though it is happening in the present moment: “Her body felt the sadness that her mind could not register.”5

The journey to recovery is found in relationship. “Trauma steals our tongues,” writes trauma-informed therapist K.J. Ramsey. “Silencing ourselves is part of how we survive in a community, system, relationship, or situation where our attempts to seek safety are shamed or shut down.”6 

Silence creates isolation 

But there is power in the healing process. As you join with a caring and trustworthy community, where you are able to feel safe and supported, healing can begin. Others bear witness to your story, and as you find a safe space to process your pain and grief.

Post-Abortion Support Group in Enid, OK

Journey Women’s Center offers a recovery program that is completely confidential and free. Led by women who have found healing after their abortions, this small group offers compassionate support, a safe space to process, and the tools for recovery. Participants are surrounded by a community of women who are also on a journey toward hope and healing.
Learn more about our post abortion support group here.

We recognize that the impact of an abortion differs from person to person. If you have been facing persistent emotional, physical, mental, or spiritual challenges following your abortion, it is possible that you are dealing with post-abortion stress syndrome. Our goal is to offer the help and support you need. Reach out to us today and become part of a supportive community committed to healing. Take your first step towards hope and healing.

Signs of Post-Abortion Stress Syndrome

Please note: The following questionnaire is not a substitute for professional assessment or diagnosis. It is designed to help in self-reflection and identify potential signs of post-abortion stress syndrome.

  • Are you able to share your abortion experience with others?
  • Do you avoid discussions, people, or situations that remind you of the abortion?
  • Do you anticipate negative things happening as a result of your decision?
  • Do you engage in self-harming behaviors or attitudes?
  • Do you feel like your relationships with men are unhealthy or toxic?
  • Do you feel like your relationships/friendships with women lack depth or authenticity?
  • Do you experience flashbacks or triggers related to the location of your abortion? (bathroom, shower, toilet)
  • Are you experiencing symptoms of depression such as decreased motivation, emotional numbness, or loss of interest in activities that used to bring you joy?
  • Do you feel anxious, regret, or anger around other babies or women who are pregnant?
  • Do you experience anxiety in your body around the anniversary of your abortion?
  • Do you feel alone with your emotional pain?

1H3Helpline. (2022b, September 6). Post Abortion Stress Syndrome. H3Helpline – After Abortion Helpline.

2Babbel, S. (2018). Post Abortion Stress Syndrome (PASS) – Does It Exist? — Dr. Susanne Babbel. Dr. Susanne Babbel.

3Coleman, P. K., Boswell, K., Etzkorn, K., & Turnwald, R. (Winter 2017). Women Who Suffered Emotionally from Abortion: A Qualitative Synthesis of Their Experiences. Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons, 22(4).

4H3Helpline. (2022). As Easy As Swallowing A Pill. H3Helpline – After Abortion Helpline.

5Kolk, V. D., & Bessel, A. (2014). The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma.

6Ramsey, K. (2022). The Lord Is My Courage: Stepping Through the Shadows of Fear Toward the Voice of Love. Zondervan.

7H3Helpline. (2022, September 6). Post-Abortion Symptoms Questionnaire. H3Helpline – After Abortion Helpline.