How will I pay for this pregnancy?
You just found out you’re pregnant but you don’t have health insurance. Now what? Thankfully, each state has its own a health coverage program that helps pay for some or all medical bills.
You just found out you’re pregnant but you don’t have health insurance. Now what? Thankfully, each state has its own a health coverage program that helps pay for some or all medical bills.
You might have heard someone mention a Pregnancy Resource Center or recently seen one in your community, but you’re not sure what they’re all about. Simply put, Pregnancy Resource Centers are non-profit organizations that offer free pregnancy services to the community. They also offer resources, such as educational materials, supplies, and information about what services are available in the community.
“I’m pregnant”. You’ve been best friends for years, but you didn’t see this one coming. What now? What can you do? How can you help? You don’t have to be a counselor or an expert to be a really good friend. Here’s five simple ways you can encourage your friend who is dealing with an unexpected pregnancy.
Whether you’ve missed your period or watched that little line appear on the pregnancy test, you’re at a crossroads. Right now, you’re trying to decide what to do. You’re pregnant and your mind is racing with questions of, “what now?”. Maybe you’re feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or even a little scared. Those emotions are completely normal.
You just realized that you missed your period. Maybe you track it on an app and “late” is glaring you right in the face. Maybe it’s a slow realization that you should have had it by now. Either way, your anxiety level goes up as you think, “Now what?”
Are you sexually active? Have you had multiple partners? Sexually transmitted infections can be passed even when you’re using protection and many STDs do not show symptoms right away. The CDC recommends that you getting tested annually, for the sake of your reproductive health.
Parenting is hard. It’s exhausting and can often feel incredibly isolating. I read my way through mounds of parenting advice and still struggled with intense feelings of failure. I was discouraged until I stumbled upon the best parenting advice I’d ever received.